Elevating the WordPress
Block Editor


Traveling at the lightning-fast speed of Full Site Editing!

Blocks and tools designed to integrate with and leverage core WordPress – not an alternative block library.

Flashblocks Header

The missing header and navigation options page. Create responsive sticky headers, animated menus and set menu breakpoints.

Coming: Add valuable options to both the Header section block. And the Navigation block.

Divi to Blocks Converter

Turn off the Divi page builder. And turn on the WordPress block editor. Once installed, this utility quickly converts entire pages and posts from Divi shortcodes directly into Blocks.

Flashblocks Maps

Add any page, post or custom post type to the interactive Flashblocks map. Realtime search…

Flashblocks Modal

Add custom modals directly in the block editor. Fully compatible with Full Site Editing.

Replace the default mobile menu view with a custom modal completely designed with the block editor.

Fast and Light!

No JQuery. Non render blocking. Only enqueued when used.

Flashblocks Fixed Header

Newsletter: Stay tuned for the release of our first block.

